Global Ingredients Division

Blue Diamond Almonds Bloom Report for March 3, 2014

Foggy, overcast skies and wet conditions typified the weather in the almond growing region on Monday. Owing to the moisture-laden air, temperatures were quite stable during… [Read More]

March 4th, 2014

Blue Diamond Almonds Bloom Report for February 24, 2014

Weather conditions provided the fourth consecutive day of good support for the 2014 bloom, with clear skies and calm winds providing plenty of opportunities for… [Read More]

February 25th, 2014

Blue Diamond Almonds Bloom Report for February 12, 2014

Weather Fog covered much of the region on Wednesday. As the skies cleared in the afternoon, bee activity was reported at 5 to 7 hours… [Read More]

February 13th, 2014

Blue Diamond Almond Industry Update

Almond Market UpdateFebruary 2014 By Bill Morecraft General Manager Blue Diamond Almonds Global Ingredients Division   The Beat Goes On…. Over the last week, Northern… [Read More]

February 11th, 2014

Blue Diamond Almonds Bloom Report for February 10, 2014

This report covers conditions and observations made on Monday, February 10, 2014. Overcast skies covered with some pre-dawn rainfall yielded to light fog around the… [Read More]

February 11th, 2014

Blue Diamond California Almond Bloom Report

North Region – Wet weather made an encore appearance in the Sacramento Valley during the week as the first of a series of storms forecast… [Read More]

February 10th, 2014