“Almond Crop”

February 9th, 2018 – Blue Diamond Almonds Bloom Report

Record breaking high temperatures have caused orchards to break out of dormancy quickly and accelerate the pace of bloom. Very few dormant buds remain in… [Read More]

February 9th, 2018

Blue Diamond Almonds Market Update – December 2017 Shipment Report

Bill Morecraft Senior Vice President   The December 2017 Position Report totaled 204.5 million lbs, up 31% over prior year, and at the upper end… [Read More]

January 11th, 2018

Blue Diamond Almonds Market Update – November 2017 Shipment Report

Bill Morecraft Senior Vice President   The Almond Board of California released the November 2017 Position Report this morning revealing a new monthly shipment record… [Read More]

December 12th, 2017

Blue Diamond Almonds Crop Progress Report – October 2nd Through October 29th

This is the final report of the 2017 crop year, covering the conditions and observations made between Monday, October 2, and Sunday, October 29, 2017…. [Read More]

October 30th, 2017

Blue Diamond Almonds Market Update – September 2017 Shipment Report

  Bill Morecraft – Senior Vice President   The ABC Position Report for September reinforces the stable and firming market seen since early September. Year… [Read More]

October 16th, 2017

Blue Diamond Almonds Crop Progress Report: September 4th – October 1st

This report covers conditions and observations made between Monday, September 4 and Sunday, October 1, 2017. The next scheduled report will be posted on Monday,… [Read More]

October 2nd, 2017