“Almond Bloom Report”

Blue Diamond Almonds Bloom Report – March 1st 2019

Petal fall is accelerating in both the Northern and Southern San Joaquin Valley as bloom comes off its peak in most varieties. Nonpareil, Monterey, and… [Read More]

March 1st, 2019

Blue Diamond Almonds Bloom Report – February 25th 2019

Warmer weather over the weekend accelerated bloom progression in most orchards throughout the state. The early blooming Sonora achieved peak bloom over the weekend in… [Read More]

February 25th, 2019

Blue Diamond Almonds Bloom Report – February 22nd 2019

Bloom progression is accelerating in the central and southern regions while cooler weather in Sacramento Valley has kept progression slower in that region. In the… [Read More]

February 22nd, 2019

Blue Diamond Almonds Bloom Report – February 20th 2019

Sunshine and clear skies have accelerated bloom progression throughout the state. The early blooming Sonora variety now has 50% of its flowers open and ready… [Read More]

February 22nd, 2019

Blue Diamond Almonds Bloom Report – February 18th 2019

Bloom continues to progress slowly due to cold and stormy weather through most of the weekend. Friday and Saturday saw a return to cold, stormy… [Read More]

February 22nd, 2019

Blue Diamond Almonds Bloom Report – February 15th 2019

Monday and Tuesday saw no relief from the cooler weather as bloom progression continues to crawl along. Nonpareil orchards across California are just beginning to… [Read More]

February 22nd, 2019