“Almond Bloom Report”

Mel Machado, Director, Member Relations

The Final Blue Diamond Almonds Harvest Report for 2016

Mel Machado, Director, Member Relations This is the final report of the 2016 crop year, covering the conditions and observations made between Monday, October 3,… [Read More]

October 24th, 2016
Mel Machado, Director, Member Relations

Blue Diamond Almonds Harvest Report for August 1st to September 4th, 2016

Mel Machado, Director, Member Relations This report covers conditions and observations made between Monday, August 1 and Sunday, September 4, 2016.   Northern Region –… [Read More]

September 6th, 2016
Mel Machado, Director, Member Relations

Blue Diamond Almonds Harvest Report for July 5th to July 31st, 2016

Mel Machado, Director, Member Relations This report covers conditions and observations made between Monday, July 5th and Sunday, July 31st, 2016.   Northern Region –… [Read More]

August 12th, 2016
Mel Machado, Director, Member Relations

Blue Diamond Almonds Bloom Report for June 6th to July 4th, 2016

Mel Machado, Director, Member Relations This report covers conditions and observations made between Monday, June 6 and Monday, July 4, 2016. Northern Region –The final… [Read More]

July 5th, 2016

NASS Subjective Estimate for Almonds Announced at 2 Billion Pounds

The NASS Subjective Estimate was announced today at 2.0 billion lbs for the 2016 crop. The Subjective Estimate is  a telephone survey of a sampling of… [Read More]

May 10th, 2016
Mel Machado, Director, Member Relations

Blue Diamond Almonds Bloom Report for April 4th to May 1st, 2016

Mel Machado, Director, Member Relations This report covers conditions and observations made between Monday, April 4 and Sunday, May 1, 2016. Northern Region – Observers… [Read More]

May 2nd, 2016